Highboy tables
Style! Color! Fun! Elegance!
Highboy tables refer to round top tables which stand 42″ tall. This is considered bar height. Highboy tables, or banquet cocktail tables, are unique and versatile.
We use a range of different fabrics and embellishments to make them come alive. Perfect for your wedding event or theme party. Clear acrylic is also a great option when used with colored battery operated uplights as shown.
Whether its the classic casino games such as blackjack or baccarat, or the rowdy action at the craps table, Atlanta’s Monte Carlo has all the tools to bring the best casino to your event.

glow acrylic highboy tables
Here are some of our color choices when used with acrylic. Our wireless uplights can be set to any color you wish. They scroll or strobe through different colors of your choice. We use these regularly for customers who are looking for the big bang. Glow cocktail tables. They’re stunning and popular!
Glow spandex cocktail tables
White spandex is used here and fits like a glove over the table itself. Then the lighting is placed underneath and set to strobe or scroll. In your favorite color. Presto! You have a completely different look altogether!
Simple white or black spandex without uplights works really well for a contemporary look.
Fabric covered highboy tables
Fabric covered highboy tables offer an elegant beauty. Embellish with bows or runners. This is simplicity at its best. Tiffany-styled tables suggest a luxurious, graceful style.
Choose the color and fabrics you love and our designers will suggest how to maximize the display.