lawn games
Lawn games are fun yard games for team building. Of course, there’s nothing like outdoor team games for your next corporate event.
Try Ladder Ball! Space the game ladders about 15 feet apart and start tossing your bolas. The first player tosses all 3 bolas, then the next player tosses all 3 bolas. The first one to 21 without going over is the winner! The top rung is worth 3 points, the middle is 2 and the bottom rung is worth 1 point.
Remember the good old days of outdoor play? Here are also some really fun outdoor team building ideas with Lawn Games!
Experience the benefits of the sun and fresh air with our outdoor team building ideas. Then get your outdoor groove on! As a matter of fact, run, jump, golf, throw or check mate your opponent, giant style. Release some happiness hormones. The mood enhancers. Likewise, the fun will boost your immune system. Besides, the aim is to reduce your stress and improve your concentration. It’s guaranteed. Our outdoor team games will renew you. The air will awaken you. And above all, the memories stay with you forever!

giant chess
What is more perfect than a giant game of chess on the lawn? These yard games can be team building activities for corporate events with a chess syndicate. And this one is going to be the check mate of all check mates! See a great move? Look for a better one. That’s all that matters on the chess board.

giant connect four
The objective of this game is to be the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of one’s own discs. Connect Four is a problem solving game. The first player can always win by playing the right moves. Never played? You’re in for a treat!

giant checkers
Giant Checkers is the ultimate in yard games! Checkers is a board game played between two players, who alternate in moves. The player who cannot move because he has no pieces, or because all of his pieces are blocked, loses the game. Best part is, pick up your checkers and carry them!

Giant Jenga
Jenga is a game of mental skill. And patience. Players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. Each block removed is then placed on top of the tower. In turn, creating a progressively taller and more unstable structure. perfect for something different in outdoor team games!

Giant Pick Up Sticks
“Five, six, pick up sticks..” This is a game of physical and mental skill in which a bundle of giant “sticks” are dropped as a loose bunch onto a lawn, jumbling into a random pile. Each player in turn tries to remove a stick from the pile without disturbing any of the others. The game is known by several names including jackstraws, spellicans, and spillikins, of all things!

Custom Corn Hole
Cornhole is the official summer lawn game. Players take turns throwing bags of corn at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches or exceeds the score of 21. Boards and corn bags can be customized with your company logo for a small fee.